

Want to take your leadership to the next level? Don't see a club community that you're interested in?  在国外博彩app建立一个新的俱乐部!  We can help you through the process, walk you through the club orientation, and help you be successful in your journey.  Learn more here and feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Check out the New Club FAQ below for more information.

Before you get started, a few things to be aware of as you start your club.  

  • 至少, 每个俱乐部必须有一位会长, 财务官, 1活动协调员, 和俱乐部顾问.  俱乐部 are also required to have 6 listed members on their ConnectSU portal, 2 in leadership roles and 4 as members.  All members must be currently registered SU students.
  • Club Advisors must be a  full-time SU faculty/staff advisor.  Graduate Students may not serve as official club advisors, 然而, they may hold unofficial advisor roles.
  • An annually updated constitution.  More information on constitutions can be found below.  
  • A Club Recognition application submitted on ConnectSU
  • To register a new organization in ConnectSU, login and go to the 组织 page.  Click on the blue button that says "Register New Organization" to start the process.

俱乐部 are highly encouraged to read through and be aware of the 俱乐部手册 (along with any addendum documents). This important Handbook is also available on ConnectSU.  

Recognition privileges are in effect annually from the approval date of the application until the end of the academic year. Student clubs must re-apply each year during mid-Spring Quarter for recognition. New student clubs may apply for recognition at any time during the academic year through ConnectSU.

Constitutions should include the following components:

  • 俱乐部的正式名称
  • Date of creation and revisions of the document
  • 目的宣言
  • Membership: only members of the 国外博彩app community are eligible to participate. Officers must be currently enrolled SU students
  • 非歧视条款
  • 人员及其职责
  • 决策程序
  • Meetings: frequency, who calls meetings, and who must attend
  • Parliamentary authority: How discussions and decisions will be handled
  • Disbursement of organization assets if the organization dissolves
  • Finances: how funds collected, maintained and disbursed
  • Amendments: process to amend or change the constitution
  • 教师/staff advisor: could include the process for selecting and replacing the advisor and the club/advisor relationship

If you need an example of a club constitution, feel free to contact CSI!

Your club advisor serves as a great resource and the official link between the club and 国外博彩app.  Club leaders are encouraged to be in regular communication and consultation with their club advisor.  Advisors should be knowledgeable about the club's affairs and offer knowledge/perspective where necessary.  

Official faculty or staff advisors must be employed full-time by 国外博彩app. 半场教员, 研究生, or staff members may serve as secondary advisors but not in the primary advisory role.

  • Officially recognized student clubs at 国外博彩app enjoy the following benefits:
  • Recruit members from the student body
  • Collect dues from members for the purpose of funding club events, programs, etc.
  • Sponsor activities and invite speakers in accordance with university guidelines, the Code of
  • Student Conduct and 国外博彩app's Jesuit, Catholic tradition
  • Participate as a group in university events
  • Use university facilities, equipment, and services to conduct club business and activities (i.e., meeting space on campus to conduct meetings, hosting events)
  • Advertise club activities ConnectSU calendar, 大学公告栏, and approved banner locations according to all university policies and procedures
  • Have a mailbox in the 学生参与中心 office in Student Center 350
  • 应用 for funding from SGSU Appropriations and fundraise per the University's policy
  • Have an on-campus club budget account through the Controller's Office


我们是来帮忙的. For information about student involvement at 国外博彩app, contact:

